Spirited Away (2001)
It’s hard to place any one of Studio Ghibli’s sweet, passionate animated films above the others, but Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away does particularly stand out for its visual sophistication and elaborate themes of determination, courage and good cheer. 从吉卜力责任室诸多的甜好意思、富于心思的动画电影中选出一部最棒的并阻隔易,但宫崎骏的《千与千寻》如实以其高度熟练的画面谈话、全心进展的决心、勇气与乐不雅等主题而显得愈加出彩。
Miyazaki’s story of a young girl trying to rescue her parents, feels like a throwback to an earlier age of hand-drawn animation. Made at a point where CGI was taking over animated features in theUS, Spirited Away has a lovingly handmade feel. It’s a traditional fairy tale turned into an exciting narrative of transformation and discovery. 宫崎骏这个对于小女孩奋力赈济父母的故事就像是带咱们回到一个手绘动画的期间。在其时的好意思国,动画长片已基本上王人由电脑绘制,但《千与千寻》却带着可儿的手绘质感。这部电影将传统据说打造为对于转变与发现的应允东说念主心的叙事。
– Tasha Robinson, The Verge, US
Boyhood (2014)
导演:理查德·林克莱特(Richard Linklater)
This 21st Century masterpiece took most of the 21st Century to make. For more than a decade, Richard Linklater spent a few weeks each year chronicling the life of Mason. 这部21世纪的极品消费了这个世纪的很长一段本事来制作。12年来,导演林克莱特每年花几个星期来记载男孩梅森的生计。
Watching the cast, which also includes Ethan Hawke and a remarkable Patricia Arquette, age before our eyes, adds an extra layer of poignancy to every single scene. 咱们看着扫数剧组,包括伊桑·霍克和出色的帕特丽夏·阿奎特,在目下平安成长、老去,每一帧画面王人因此增添了一抹辛酸味说念。
In an era when every aspect of society was accelerating, Linklater slowed down to tell the one of the definitive stories of our time. 在这么一个期间,社会的方方面面王人在快节律发展,而林克莱特却慢下措施,耐烦呈文了一个带有咱们这个期间热烈钤记的故事。
– Matt Singer, ScreenCrush, US
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
导演:米歇尔·冈瑞(Michel Gondry)
The story of a breakup gone wrong, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind could easily have gone wrong itself. But this wasn't your average whimsical tale of romantic yearning. 这是一个离异分出一堆问题的故事,而电影自己也极有可能出问题。但它毫不是一部芜俚的跋扈幻念念爱情片。
Jim Carrey boldly pushed against type to portray a perennially sad man literally trapped by his grievances and eager to let them unravel. 影片主演金•凯瑞此次跳脱了他一贯无厘头笑剧的作风,扮演了一个弥远堕入忧郁和迷茫,并奋力念念逃离这一切的男东说念主。
But the movie belongs just as much to Kate Winslet, whose character's decision to erase her own memories of the ex-couple's time together sets the drama in motion. 这部电影雷同属于女主凯特•温丝莱特,她念念把与前男友的缅想从脑海中澈底抹去的决定,鞭策着剧情戏剧性地发展。
– Eric Kohn玉足吧, Indiewire, US